How to Get Good Grades
19-01-2022 05:30:03am
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Some students just have everything together. They earn awesome grades, but they're also successful on other fronts. Opportunities always seem to find them, and they're always prepared for what's coming next. Watch this video about habits of highly successful students.


1. Motivate yourself

If you are not satisfied with your grades, do not get down on yourself - try self-motivation instead. Believe in yourself and encourage yourself to stay focused on your work. Pick a goal or series of goals, and use that as your motivation.

2. Listen and participate in class

It may be hard, especially if you have a shy personality, but participation will show your teacher that you do really care about their subject and want better grades. Teachers typically base the grades on various factors, and participation is one of them.

If you are shy, for more confidence you can write down the questions before the class and then ask them. Another trick is to have a seat closer to the teacher, so they can get to know you even more.

3. Take thorough notes during a class

This will ensure that you do not miss any important information. Note taking is an important skill that can translate to better grades in college as well.

4. Do not hesitate to ask for help

If you are experiencing problems with certain subjects, you can always ask your teacher or peers for help after the class. Another option is to ask your parents if they can afford a private tutor for you.

5. Stay focused during your homework

Find a quiet working place to handle your homework in a distraction-free environment. Put your phone aside or at least mute all notification sounds so you are not distracted. You can also use apps that lock a phone for a certain time period.

6. Take a 15-minute break after each 45 minutes of studying

Walk around your house. get some fresh air, think of how to get better grades, or get a snack to fuel your brain. You can also reward yourself for each 45 minutes of productive work by doing something that you enjoy. Besides, breaking up the monotony of studying will help you focus.

7. Consider studying together with your fellow students

Sometimes, group studying can help the members of the group motivate each other and be more productive. If such style of studying suits you, then you can organize such groups or become a member of a group that already exists. You can get together for studying after classes or on weekends.

8. Keep your working space organized

Use one notebook per class and do not let your desk become cluttered with papers and stationery. Try to clean up your desk regularly. This helps tremendously with limiting distractions.

9. Use a planner to organize your time

It can be either a paper planner or a mobile app. However, we recommend that you use a paper agenda book so that your phone does not distract you. Write down all important due dates, dates of tests, and extracurricular activities.

10. Develop a study schedule

If you are preparing for a test or writing a research paper, it would be wise to break down your work into small chunks and allot work to a specific time periods. To avoid stress, do not procrastinate and wait until the last night before the test.

11. Take care of your health

Make sure that your meals are nutritious, balanced, and varied, because your brain needs fuel in order to be productive. Never miss breakfast before school.

12. Sleep well

Establishing a regular sleep schedule is crucial when it comes to studying and learning how to get good grades in high school. Try to wake up and go to bed at the same times and get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.

13. Stay fit

Exercise everyday, join a sports team at school, or participate in sports-related extracurricular activities outside of school.

By Nursyakila