Nilai Polytechnic Kompleks Pendidikan Nilai, Bandar Enstek, 71760 Labu, Negeri Sembilan

About Nilai Polytechnic

Nilai Polytechnic (PNS), Negeri Sembilan is the 23rd polytechnic established under the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education on April 1, 2007 under the 9th Malaysia Plan. PNS began operating in a temporary campus with the first intake of students in December 2007. PNS moved to a permanent campus at the Bandar Enstek Education Complex, Negeri Sembilan in September 2011 on a 101.5-acre site containing 37 administrative, academic, students colleges and staff residence blocks.

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Farhani Aniza Binti Muhammad Radzi

Account Executive

Maintain the financial reporting process, ensuring  See more


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