Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan University College (KLMUC) Level G, 1-3 Wisma Sachdev, Jalan Raja LautLevel G, 1-3 Wisma Sachdev, Jalan Raja LautLevel G, 1-3 Wisma Sachdev, Jalan Raja LautLevel G, 1-3 Wisma Sachdev, Jalan Raja LautLevel G, 1-3 Wisma Sachdev, Jalan Raja LautLevel G, 1-3 Wisma Sachdev, Jalan Raja L

About Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan University College (KLMUC)
Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan University College (KLMUC) is a progressive and innovative higher learning institution with two distinctive faculties and one center offering 18 programs. Established in 2006, KLMUC currently offers Foundation, Diploma, Degree and Masters programs that inculcate ‘Real World Practice’ as a pathway to professional success.
Owned by Ekuiti Nasional Berhad (EKUINAS), the government-linked private equity fund management company, KLMUC also prides itself in continuously developing relevant programs to meet students’ needs through affordable fees supported by PTPTN. The academic programs are developed through close consultation with business and industry partners, the public sector and professionals.
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