International University of Malaya - Wales (IUMW) City Campus A Administration Wing, Jalan Tun Ismail

About International University of Malaya - Wales (IUMW)

International University of Malaya-Wales (IUMW) is an international joint university based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was founded in 2012 as a partnership between the University of Malaya (UM) and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD).

IUMW offers both undergraduate and postgraduate programs of study, and solicits both Malayan and international students. IUMW students are able to opt for dual programs of study whereby graduates of such dual programs receive a degree from both the IUMW (in Malaysia) and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) (in the UK); in other words, they graduate with two degrees. IUMW students can also participate in a student exchange program which gives them the opportunity to study at UWTSD. IUMW students also have access to University of Malaya facilities and resources at no cost, which are also in Kuala Lumpur.

The IUMW campus is located on land leased from Bank Negara Malaysia that BNM acquired in 2017.

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